Sunday, January 24, 2010

HTML Tool Report

This link HTML Tool Report will take you to my tool report which is on HTML.  This link will take you to the timeline accompanying the report HTML Timeline.

This report will be given in class January 25, 2010.

I tried a Powerpoint link here Presentation

HTML Step 1

I created a family web site coding HTML in notepad on my PC.  It was a good refresher and convinced me that I would like to use Dreamweaver or another application to code in the future.

See the link

This uses the required tags, links, attributes, and elements as requested.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Update on Projects to Date

I am still debating the tools I will use for my project.  I have enjoyed the work in the seminars learning some skills with Flash.  But I feel much more confident in my abilities working with HTML and I am excited about the possibilities of expanding my abilities through the use of CSS, jQuery, and client side processing.  I am still debating where to go with my "steps" as far as my learning contract goes.  I will make a decision by the end of this week.

As far as the topic and learning objectives I will be pursuing, I will be teaching an audience of fifth graders the basics of electricity that they are required to learn according to the Utah State Core Curriculum guidelines.  The kids are tested on these basics in the year-end assessment given by the State.  The science curriculum includes basics about the types of circuits, devices, and some basic principles about electricity.  To see the first very basic splash page, click here.

You can see that this took you to my first flash "step" project and that it is located on a web site that I created as part if this class.  It is a family web site where I can not only use my skills learned in this class, but also maintain going forward for my family.  I can use it for school, I can update my family, and my wife can even reference to the site for this particular lesson material if i can develop something useful to her.

I will use a combination of this blog, and the family web site, to create my personal learning environment.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My Learning Space

This is the first entry of what will be many on this site.  I have created this blog to track the work I do in my IP&T 560 class during the winter semester of 2010 at BYU.  We are required to create a personal learning environment where we post our work, receive critiques, and demonstrate our effort this semester.

My first "Step" completed was a very basic flash "splash screen" that I developed as a cover to a learning activity that my wife uses to teach electricity to the 5th graders at her elementary school.  This might evolve into the project I will complete this semester . . . or it might not.  I have not made up my mind yet.

Anyway . . . if this blog will allow me to post a file you will be able to see it here.  If not, I am going to have to figure out a different method for my PLE.